We are now Reason First

Reports are valuable tools for communication, transparency and expressing the real-world significance of your organisation’s efforts.

What’s the right format for me?

Reports can serve numerous purposes, from showcasing impact to funders and investors, informing future policy and decision-making, and celebrating successes or milestones. The content and goals of a report will influence the best format to use and the design. We have outlined some of the benefits to each of the formats below.

Printed reports

Compared to reading on screen, people find it easier to comprehend abstract ideas and see the bigger picture after reading from paper. There is also evidence that people find it easier to retain and recollect stories and meaning. Both of these factors become a huge benefit when writing for people that are outside your field, like communities and the wider public.

The tactility of a printed report gives it a dimension that screens don’t have and allows readers to intuitively understand how long the report is and where they are within it. Another benefit comes from the focused reading experience that paper offers without any of the distractions found on phones and computers.

Design for Unbound Philanthropy’s ‘Ahead of the Curve’ paper.

Digital reports

Digital formats open the possibilities of interactivity in your report. Being searchable, providing hyperlinks to sources and copy and paste is functionality some readers will appreciate. Having reports available online makes them accessible to audiences across the globe and facilitates easy sharing.

Lastly, digital formats are cost-effective, quicker to produce and allow for amends and updates.

Digital experiences

Thinking outside of pixel or paper pages, you can turn your report into a small website. Doing this opens up the possibilities of video, animation and complex interaction. Video, in particular, can be a powerful medium to support your narrative and create connections with your readers.

Turning your report into a website gives you the benefits of a digital report but is responsive and quicker to access. Instant edits can be made by yourselves using the CMS (content management system). For annual reports, you can create a website that can accommodate ongoing years and provide tools to compare information year on year.

Work with us

Experienced in creating designs that resonate with the stories and narratives you want to tell, we work with our clients to create the best outcome for their goals.

The reports we have created have helped organisations obtain funding, gain support, and showcase the impact of their work. And we’d love to help you, too. To discuss how we might work together, email us at studio@​05creative.​com.